NewSpace 2014 Conference – Day 3 Video

The three day NewSpace conference organized by the Space Frontier Foundation is underway in San Jose, California. All of the main sessions are recorded. Here are the sessions for Saturday, July 26, 2014. Note that while most sessions are available a few have yet to be made available.
World View: Progress Toward Tourism, Research, Education, and Other Stratospheric Services, Alan Stern – Chief Scientist, World View
World View is creating the capability to routinely fly people and payloads on high altitude
balloon flights in the stratosphere, beginning in late-2016. Applications of the World View
flight system will include luxury tourism to experience the Earth from the edge of space,
capabilities to fly research and education payloads, as well as with researchers and educators themselves, to this high altitude environment, and other dedicated payload applications involving long-duration high altitude balloon flight. This presentation will summarize the business case, company development, and application areas World View expects to serve, with a special emphasis on the Research and Education market (REM).
Orbital Debris Panel
The orbital debris problem is a ticking time-bomb, and everyone knows it. Mitigating orbital
space debris requires technical, legal, and regulatory talent. In order to take progressive steps to solve this issue the following questions need to be addressed: What technologies must be developed to interact with uncooperative space objects? Who is responsible for ensuring its clearance and how will they be accountable? What is the insurance industry’s current stance on orbital debris and how will it change as the problem intensifies? This panel will seek to suggest a way to permanently mitigate orbital debris.
– Doug Beason (moderator) – Senior VP for Special Programs, Universities Space Research
– Kirsten Armstrong – Program Manager, The Tauri Group
– David Barnhart – Program Manager, DARPA Phoenix
– Joe Carroll – President, Tether Applications, Inc.
– Robert Hoyt – CEO and Chief Scientist, Tethers Unlimited
– Jer-Chyi Liou – Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris, NASA Orbital Debris Program Office
Keynote Speaker: Will Marshall – CEO and Co-Founder, Planet Labs, Inc.
Should Cheap Access to Space be an American Priority, Again?
Cheap Access To Space (CATS) has been a strategic national priority, on and off, for the
last 40 years. America has made it a strategic objective for the Shuttle, NASP, and X-33
programs, but failed to achieve the goal in each of these three attempts with a government-led programmatic approach. The Space Frontier Foundation and our allies believe that that it is time to try again, using today’s more advanced technology, and leveraging recent lesson’s learned that public-private-partnerships can work much better than traditional government acquisition strategies.
– Charles Miller (moderator) – President & Owner, NexGen Space LLC
– Jeff Lane – Northrup Grumman
– Sean Mahoney – Chief Executive Officer, Masten Space Systems
– Gabriel Rothblatt – Democratic Nominee, U.S. Congress for the 8th District of Florida
The US Space Enterprise Partnership: A Roundtable on Strategies, Capabilities, and Goals
The U.S. Space Enterprise is spread across multiple entities – Congress, NASA, the White
House, government regulators, commercial industry, trade associations, and U.S. citizens – who all have capabilities, resources, and goals for realizing the success of their individual interest in space. But how do we, as a country, integrate this into a broader vision that serves all interests? How do we ensure that we have the needed capabilities to travel to any destination? How do we make sure U.S. Space Enterprise fosters a successful market and continues to create partnerships? The Space Frontier Foundation will bring together representatives from these entities to discuss how to ensure that we all benefit from our space enterprise.
– Jeff Feige – Chairman of the Board, Space Frontier Foundation
– Craig Gravelle – Senior Director of Business Development, Sierra Nevada Corporation
– Jeff Greason – CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, XCOR Aerospace
– George Nield – Associate Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation
– Richard Pournelle – Senior Vice-President of Business Development, NanoRacks LLC
– James Reuther – Deputy Associate Administrator for Programs, NASA Space Technology
Mission Directorate
– Bob Richards – Co-Founder & CEO, Moon Express, Inc.
– Alex Saltman – Executive Director, Commercial SpaceFlight Federation
– Gwynne Shotwell – President & COO, Space Exploration Technologies
– Greg Williams – Deputy Associate Administrator, Human Exploration & Operations Mission
Directorate, NASA
Remarks from the President, James Pura, President, Space Frontier Foundation
President & Director James Pura will give an annual review of Space Frontier Foundation,
discuss this year’s achievements, as well as current developments and challenges the Foundation is facing. Finally, James will outline the goals & strategies for the next year, and describe the “why” and “how” as it pertains to the road to sustainable space settlement.