Space Commerce

SpaceWorks Releases Global Launch Vehicle Market Assessment Report for Nano and Microsatellites

By Marc Boucher
July 21, 2014
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SpaceWorks Releases Global Launch Vehicle Market Assessment Report for Nano and Microsatellites
SpaceWorks Releases Global Launch Vehicle Market Assessment Report for Nano and Microsatellites.

SpaceWorks has released a mini-study “Global Launch Vehicle Market Assessment, A study of launch services for nano/microsatellites in 2013”. The reports aims to capture the growing number of future nano/microsatellite missions requiring a launch.
This years findings include:

– The total number of launches per year has been relatively constant over the last four years despite the significant rise in number of satellites launched per year.

– Nearly half of 2013 launches experienced significant delay, an unfortunate result for secondary payloads seeking rideshare opportunities.

– Our historical analysis suggests that the current supply of launch vehicles will not sufficiently serve future nano/microsatellite market demand.

– In order to foster the dynamic growth observed in 2013, the launch vehicle market will need to provide more launches and increase the portion of launches servicing nano/microsatellites.

Editor’s update: I received an email from Spaceworks to clarify that is not their annual assessment but rather a mini-study they conducted.

Download the report.

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.