Action Update: Submit Space Questions to the U.S. Presidential Debates
Dear Member,
The U.S. Presidential primaries season is now in full swing, and debates among the candidates are taking place regularly before millions of viewers. It is a unique opportunity to push space topics onto the national political agenda.
And you can help.
Here’s how: The sponsors of the debates are inviting the public to submit questions to the candidates online at
You can now go to the website and submit a question on the candidates’ approach to space exploration. While the popularity of a subject is not the only factor determining which questions will be asked in the debates, a large number of questions on particular topics will certainly help.
When you go to the site, you will see that numerous space-related questions already have been submitted, in large part thanks to the efforts of Keith Cowing, editor of the website NASAWATCH. You can simply vote on an existing question, or you can submit your own question. Questions can be general, such as “do you favor space exploration,” or very particular, for example “do you favor a sample-return mission to Mars.” Whatever space related question you choose to ask will help get space policy on the forefront of the national agenda.
Thank you! Working together we will make sure that space exploration finds its rightful place among the priorities of the next U.S. President.
Louis Friedman
Executive Director
The Planetary Society