NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 12
FD 11 MMT Summary
The MMT met today to review mission progress, systems status and an overview of EVA 4. Discovery continues to perform well. The team has used the extra 24 hours to prepare a very good plan for EVA 4 and all members of the MMT concurred with the plan.
Orbiter Status – There was one minor anomaly noted during today’s MMT. The AVIU broken switch was briefly discussed.
EVA 4 Plan – The Team 4 products were handed over to the execution teams yesterday for final refinement and implementation. The MMT recognized the outstanding effort put forth by the Team 4 to create a relatively mature plan in such a short amount of time. An overview of the EVA was presented and there were very few questions voiced during the presentation. This reflects the extensive effort the teams have gone through to include all parties in the generation of the plan.
A brief review of the predicted thermal impacts to the sensors on the OBSS was provided. Most of the sensors are predicted to exceed their certification limits between 5 and 8 hours. Since the repair of the solar array is the highest priority and there is a fair amount of uncertainty in the analysis, there will not be any time constraints applied to the unpowered time of the OBSS. An OBSS sensor check will be scheduled prior to late inspection.
Wing Leading Edge System – One additional indication was recorded for a total of 8 on orbit indications so far. This indication occurred at panel 1/2R and had a magnitude of 1 g. This number of indications is well within the number of WLES indications observed previously.