NASA STS-120 FD 04 Execute Package

The MMT met to review mission progress. There were only a few items of discussion including a continuing review of ascent imagery and inspection data, WLE sensor data, ascent trajectory data, and propulsion systems performance. The MMT congratulated the crew on a successful rendezvous.
Ascent Data Review – The ascent data review indicates that ascent was nominal. There were no SRB hold down post stud hang ups indicated in the orbiter acceleration data. Additionally, the SSME, ET, SRB and ascent trajectory data (alpha, beta, q-bar, altitude, and altitude rates), all indicate that powered flight was nominal with no issues.
Imagery/Debris Assessment Team – The imagery and debris assessment teams continue to process the FD 2 inspection and FD 3 RPM photography data, but at this point, there are no concerns with the Thermal Protection System. The details of these reviews will be presented to the FD 4 MMT. Additionally, radar data and ascent imagery continue to be assessed, but there are currently no new items of interest.
Wing Leading Edge Sensor data – There have been four orbit indications noted, but these were all less than 1.15 Grms, and the team is not concerned.
Starboard SARJ – The ISS team is still assessing possible causes for the Starboard SARJ vibration, and as a result, the Flight Control Team has been asked to assess the potential for an EVA inspection of the SARJ. No decisions have been made and the Flight Control Team will keep you apprised of any possible changes to the timeline.
Node 2 Window Cover – Pictures of Node 2 in the payload bay show that one of the hatch window covers is open. The team is considering if that should be secured on one of the upcoming EVAs and, if so, which EVA could easily accommodate this simple task.