NASA STS-120 FD 03 Execute Package
Good morning Doug, Stephanie, and Dan, 2
Today is your first transfer list uplink. To help incorporate the quantity of page changes needed, there is a block of time called ‘XFER UPDATE’ scheduled for Stephanie. On the RESUPPLY and SWAP tabs, new and/or changed items are identified by the ‘X’ in the ‘CHNG’ column. However, due to software issues, we had to adjust the page breaks for the RESUPPLY tab, and therefore you will need to swap out the entire set of Resupply pages currently in your Transfer book. We apologize for this inconvenience.
We are also uplinking all the RETURN tab pages today. Please note that these will not have any ‘change flags’ since these are all new pages to your transfer book. Below, you’ll find an outline of the changes by ‘Tab’ for which pages will need to be changed out or added.
We’ve also uplinked updated Ascent and Descent Layouts, as well as an updated Choreography for inclusion in your transfer book.
Stephanie will conduct the first ‘Transfer Brief’ with the ground today. We’ll be waiting for your call A/G2.