Status Report

NASA STS-117 FD09 Execute Package

By SpaceRef Editor
June 16, 2007
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NASA STS-117 FD09 Execute Package

MSG 073A (15-0459A) – WORDS FROM LINDSEY Page 1 of 1

CJ, Fyoder, and both crews:

We wanted to give you a big picture update on what’s currently happening here at JSC. We are looking at every possible option/impact resulting from the computer problems in the Russian segment. We are fully engaged with our Russian counterparts on this situation. We have formed 5 teams here in Houston to address the issues/impacts:

– Root Cause/Systems Recovery team – working with our Russian counterparts to try and determine/solve the problem that’s affecting the computers.

– Alternate Attitude Control team — looking at options to control ISS attitude after the Shuttle undocks with the RS computers down (CMGs, Soyuz, Progress, etc.). This team is also looking at Shuttle undock in various attitudes to minimize rates/CMG saturation at undock.

– Crewed Operations team — looking at how to keep ISS running (consumables, O2 generation, CO2 scrubbing, etc.) without the RS computers. Options may include additional transfers of supplies from Shuttle to ISS.

– ISS Decrew team — looking at minimum criteria to keep crew onboard, and what would trigger a de-crew of ISS from a consumables standpoint. Also looking at Soyuz undock capability (with ISS attitude rates) and what a de-crewed ISS systems configuration would look like.

– The “How Long can the Shuttle Stay Docked” team — looking at all options to keep Atlantis docked as long as possible, as needed.

Our objective in all of this is to have the ISS in the best configuration possible at undock. Thus you may be getting some strange requests or asked to do some unexpected transfers/additional powerdowns — we wanted to make sure you know where and why these requests/changes are happening.

Please let us know any questions and ideas you have, at all times. We will solve this!


FD8 MMT Crew Summary 2

The MMT met today and discussed mission progress, the Port OMS blanket repair testing results, ISS attitude control anomalies, the OA2 MDM anomaly, and the post launch pad A walkdown debris results. The MMT greatly appreciates the crew’s efforts to conserve power and the need for docked waste dumps in event that the docked mission needs to be extended to assist with ISS computer troubleshooting.

Port OMS Blanket Repair Testing: The EVA repair was ongoing during the MMT and everyone was very pleased by Danny’s great work on the blanket. The MMT reviewed the ascent heating analysis, Arc Jet testing, material degradation analysis, and wind tunnel testing. The ascent heating analysis showed that temperatures were below that which would cause any concern for damage to the honeycomb composite structure. The JSC Arc Jet testing, which used a slightly higher heating profile than a nominal entry, showed that the pins and staples used for the repair would survive entry heating. Materials analysis also confirmed that the pins and staples would retain the necessary load capability for the entire entry. Finally, wind tunnel testing at Texas A&M University showed that a blanket with minimal securing (less than the actual repair) and a 0.25 inch step would survive the entry aerodynamic profile. Based on this testing and the great repair work performed today, the Damage Assessment Team and the MMT are confident that the port OMS pod is good for entry.

ISS Status: The US and Russian teams are working around the clock on various options to extend the docked duration, improve attitude control under shuttle control (VRCS or ALT), and to recover the Russian computers. Just after the MMT concluded, the Russians were able to activate 2 lanes on the SMCC and SMTC computers by having the crew bypass the switch that powers the secondary power unit and sending a direct command to power on the lanes. The lanes are in “test” mode and will remain in that configuration until tomorrow morning Moscow time. These results appear to be consistent with the theory that the problem was due to an issue with the secondary power supply. There is a possibility that the Russians may ask to return some of this hardware on this mission, so standby for more details.

Consumables: The current cryo margins with the existing powerdowns, no O2 transfer, and the use of Russian O2, supports a 14+2 mission duration if required. The MMT decided not to extend the mission by one more day at this time and may not make that decision until FD 10. The teams are investigating more severe powerdowns including the SM GPC, remaining PGSCs, and S-band power amps and the KU system when not in use to attempt to gain a 15th day. These additional powerdowns would have to be initiated starting on the morning of FD 9 in order to achieve the extra docked day. Obviously, the use of these powerdowns or other significant timeline modificatiothe Russian computer cannot be resolved.

MDM OA2 Impacts: As you know the OA 2 Card 5 failure impacts more than just the card 5 data, but also some of the crew SM displays. The MMT reviewed the PASS and BFS impacts to this failure. While some onboard calculations and other SM functions have been lost the team continues to believe there is adequate redundancy in both the PASS and BFS such that no further troubleshooting is required. The Entry team is identifying deltas to the EPCL and the AESP procedures to take into account any of these missing parameters. A summary of these impacts will be uplinked later in the mission.

Pad A Post Launch Walkdown: All post launch Pad A safing and walkdowns have been completed nominally. The only debris highlight from the walkdown was the fiberglass deck panels at the 295 foot level that separated due to SRB plume overpressure. The Team is removing the plates and evaluating repair options for the decking to support STS-118. There was also a missing top handrail on MLP side 3 that is under evaluation.

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FD7 MMT Crew Summary

The MMT met today and discussed mission progress, the Port OMS blanket repair, ISS attitude control anomalies, ascent hardware performance, and debris assessment results.

Port OMS Pod Blanket Repair:

The MMT received a status of the blanket repair verification testing and the corresponding schedule for completion. The blanket pull test has been completed which provides high confidence that the Saffil pins and staples will secure the blanket through the entry environment. The Arc Jet, Wind Tunnel, and Radiant Heat tests using the repaired configuration are now in work and most of these results are expected tomorrow. The Operations team reported that the EVA onboard training and procedure reviews for securing the blanket are in work.

ISS Attitude Control and Shuttle Consumables:

The MMT was briefed on the ISS attitude control issues and the latest troubleshooting efforts. The good news was that power from the US Segment was restored to the FGB and Soyuz which were operating on battery power. The attempts to regain the SM Central Computers were not successful today and as a result ISS continues to rely on CMG attitude control.

As a result of the ISS attitude control issues the MMT was also briefed on the Shuttle Cryo O2 and OMS/RCS consumables. The modified powerdown you performed today and delaying the O2 transfer will provide an additional docked day if required. Options to maximize RCS consumables are also in work which include the ability to handover attitude control from Shuttle to ISS CMG control, a modified ISS attitude while on verniers, or the use of Alt Dap. The details regarding these options are still in work.

Ascent Hardware Performance:

The SRB, ET, and SSME elements provided a post flight status to the MMT. Each element echoed that their system was nominal both from a hardware and performance perspective. The SSME AHMS controller worked as expected and the ET foam liberation was well within expected limits. An exceptionally clean ascent!

Imagery/Debris Assessment Team:

The RIB elevon TPS has been cleared. The team cleared this area by using imagery from the RPM pitch maneuver which was partially obscured by shadowing, SRB video of the elevon, and analysis. The analysis confirmed that even if TPS in this small region were damaged the result would be a tile turnaround issue only with no structural damage. The SRB video and RPM imagery indicate that there were no sig The team has no concerns with these tile.

SpaceRef staff editor.