NASA STS-117 FD06 Execute Package

FD5 MMT Crew Summary 1
The MMT met today to discuss mission progress, the MDM OA2 Card 5 anomaly, debris assessment data, and the Port OMS Pod blanket including EVA repair options. Both the ISS and Shuttle MMT were very pleased with your hard work and outstanding execution of EVA 1 and are enjoying views of the newly deployed solar arrays. There were no significant decisions made during the meeting today.
MDM OA2 Card 5:
The team is assessing impacts for the loss of telemetry on MDM OA2 Card 5 and trying to determine why it failed. There are no mission duration impacts for this failure nor will it adversely affect any of your operations. A power cycle of this MDM will not be pursued at this time because it would also result in a power cycle for the remaining OA MDM’s and therefore is not performed for non-critical instrumentation.
Imagery/Debris Assessment Team:
The TPS for window 5/6 and the Port ET Door tiles were cleared today at the MMT. The final analysis for the protruding gap filler near the arrowhead tile is still being completed since the worst case boundary layer effect envelope a portion of the RCC panels and thus requires more time. Additionally, the team is continuing with final assessments of the Right Inboard Elevon tile that was obscured by shadows and the Aft fuselage gap filler. It is important to note that the team indicates no concern with any of the analysis completed thus far.
The MMT received a summary of the ascent Radar data. All three radars performed very well and tracked the orbiter through ascent. While most of the radar returns are still being understood and correlated with imagery data, one of the returns did correlate with an ET foam loss near the LOX feedline that was noted in the ET feedline camera imagery. There are no concerns with any of the radar data.
There have been two on-orbit Wing Leading Edge Impact Detection Sensor (WLEIDS) indications that the team has noted. The first was noted on the starboard RCC panel 11/12 and the second was on the port RCC 7/8. The team is not concerned because surrounding sensors did not register any response as would be expected with an actual debris impact. This is most likely thermal induced and has been noted on previous missions.
Port OMS Pod Blanket:
The team continues to work the details regarding thermal analysis and material testing for the torn blanket and underlying graphite epoxy structure. While no new thermal analysis was provided to the MMT, the team did provide a detailed test plan for Arc Jet and Radiant testing with graphite epoxy panels and for a blanket pull test to assist in development of the EVA repair technique. The blanket pull test will be completed tonight and the Arc Jet and Radiant testing will take longer but results are expected over the next several days.
The MMT was briefed by Team 4 on the different blanket repair options and will decide tomorrow whether the repair will occur on EVA 3 or EVA 4. The operations team has worked hard to keep the repair as simple as possible. These options include using the Saffil pins from the TPS overlay kit, staples from the medical kit stapler, or the EVA servicing kit needle with 22 gauge wire to secure the blanket. Work continues on this and the team fully expects to converge on an agreed to option by tomorrow.