Status Report

MODIS Land Collection 5/LTDR Workshop Announced

By SpaceRef Editor
January 2, 2007
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The MODIS Land Collection 5 Data Workshop will be held January 17-18 at the University of Maryland University College Inn and Conference Center. The workshop is intended to brief MODIS users on recent changes to the Land Products. Topics to be addresses include:

  • An in-depth look at the Collection 5 changes to the MODIS Land products, MODAPS production status and reprocessing schedule and QA status.
  • An opportunity for feedback from the user community on MODIS Land Products and access and discussion of future land product plans.
  • A recently funded NASA project to develop consistent long term data records from AVHRR to MODIS will be described (Day 2 afternoon session). Registration and a prelimanary agenda for this workshop can be found at:

SpaceRef staff editor.