Status Report

NASA MODIS Science Team Meeting

By SpaceRef Editor
January 2, 2007
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The attendance (near 250) at the MODIS Science Team meeting was quite substantive and the results presented in oral and poster presentations were very indicative of good progress continuing to be made. A summary of the meeting will be prepared for the Earth Observer and perhaps for other publication opportunities. The participation by so many of the Science Team and others is much appreciated. Presentations made at the meeting and made available so far for posting are show at: .

The MODIS Science Team Leader (VVS) is accumulating inputs and suggestions from the MODIS Science Team, and others, for updates to the Terra Mission Extension Proposal previously submitted and for other input to the Aqua Mission Extension Proposal. There have been quite a few inputs received before the MODIS Science Team meeting and during the meeting. They are quite helpful. If any other ideas come up, please send them to .

In a broad, overall sense, everything regarding the MODIS sensors, the data processing, and publication progress are very similar to last reports. The following sections of this report provide some details in each case.

SpaceRef staff editor.