NASA STS-116 FD-11 Execute Package
The MMT convened today for a short 35 minute meeting. The discussion centered on the remaining agenda as the mission activities get closer to undocking and entry. The orbiter systems continue to perform well with no new anomalies to consider. The team is eagerly looking forward to EVA 4 and watching you deliver yet another tremendous performance.
End-of-Mission Planning – The entry team is working to finalize the cryo and water plan for end-of-mission. At this time, there is a 2.5 hour cryo consumable margin, O2 limited, that protects a 13+1 mission. The goal will be to ensure 3 deorbit opportunities on both EOM and EOM+1 with respect to cryo and water and this goal looks very achievable. The final entry plan will be presented to the MMT on FD12.
Late Inspection – The MMT chairman encouraged everyone to voice their opinions on the risk trades between late inspection and the preservation of a weather wave off extension day. After examining the weather forecast from the Spaceflight Meteorology Group, this tradeoff will be re-evaluated during tomorrow’s MMT on FD11.
Ground Radar Tracking – The Systems Engineering and Integration Office presented some ground radar tracking data that has been collected over the past two days. The C-band data, collected from the NASA Debris Radar (NDR) used by KSC to evaluate ascent debris, is being used to locate the socket and the DCS camera that are estimated to be beneath and in front of the ISS/Orbiter stack. Preliminary interpretation of the C-band radar data suggests that the DCS camera may have been located. State vector information is being extracted and sent to Mission Operations for further evaluation.
Transfer Status – According to the latest data, the Middeck and SpaceHab transfer is 92% complete.