Status Report

NASA STS-116 FD-3 Execute Package

By SpaceRef Editor
December 11, 2006
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NASA STS-116 FD-3 Execute Package

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The MMT met to review the mission progress and there were only a few items of significant discussion. These include ascent imagery, FES PRI B, Wing Leading Edge sensor data, loss of SRMS End Effector auto release capability, and the Fuel Cell 3 O2 flow meter.

Imagery – The team continues to review the ascent imagery data (ET LOX feedline camera, ground cameras, WAVE aircraft video, and debris radar). It should be noted even with the night launch there was some good imagery available during ascent due to SRB and SSME plumes as well as the RCS jet firings during ET SEP. The preliminary characterization is that the debris environment was nominal.

SpaceRef staff editor.