Status Report

Gordon Calls on Administration to Prioritize Science Funding, Jobs

By SpaceRef Editor
January 26, 2006
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(Washington, DC)  U.S. House Committee on Science Ranking Member Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) today called on the President to lead the Congress and the country in charting a course for insuring quality jobs are available to U.S. workers now and in the future.

In his letter to the White House today Ranking Member Gordon wrote, “The work of the Augustine Committee was neither partisan nor narrow and the Nation would be well served to follow their policy advice as closely as possible…Your impending State of the Union address would provide a singular opportunity to focus public attention on the issue of America’s competitiveness as well as a perfect setting to signal your own endorsement of the prescriptions contained in the Academy report.  I also hope the budget you submit to Congress contains funding for the initiatives as recommended by the Augustine Committee.” 

A recent National Academy of Sciences report – Rising Above the Gathering Storm – found America appears to be on a “losing path” today with regard to our future competitiveness and standard of living.  The report identified four action areas that must be addressed in an effort to sustain U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. 

Ranking Member Gordon introduced Congress’ first legislation implementing these action areas late last year. “This is not about partisan pride, it’s about providing a future for our kids.  I urge my House counterparts on the Republican side of the aisle to join me in making sure the U.S. can compete for the jobs of the future.  The goal is to get this into law and my legislation is the vehicle for that in the House,” stated Rep. Gordon. 

A bipartisan coalition in the U.S. Senate today also introduced legislation aimed at implementing the National Academy recommendations.  “Together, we’ve laid the foundation in the House and the Senate for progress on this issue,” added Rep. Gordon.  “It’s time to get to work.  It’s no fun playing catch-up and if we let our foreign competitors gain an edge – that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.” 

The Gordon package of legislation includes H.R. 4434, 10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds Science and Math Scholarship Act; H.R. 4435, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) Act; and H.R. 4596, Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act. 

H.R. 4434 implements the National Academy Committee’s highest priority by providing scholarships to science, math and engineering students who commit to become science or math teachers at elementary and secondary schools.  It also includes programs to improve the skills of current teachers.  H.R. 4435 aims to reduce U.S. foreign energy dependence by 20% over a 10 year period.  H.R. 4596 aims to strengthen the U.S. commitment to scientific research by authorizing a 10% increases per year in funding for basic research in the physical sciences, mathematical sciences, and engineering at the principal federal agencies supporting such research.  These increases, if sustained, would lead to a doubling of basic research funding in these critical areas over 7 years. 

Rep. Gordon is also working on a fourth piece of legislation implementing the final recommendations of the National Academy panel. 

The text of Ranking Member Gordon’s letter to the President is below.  More information on the Gordon legislation is available on the Science Democrats’ website at

Letter Text:

January 25, 2006

Dear Mr. President,

In recent years, a growing chorus has been calling attention to the eroding position of American firms and workers in the world economy.  The National Academy of Sciences recent report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” attempts to chart a course forward that will create a vital, robust American economy with good paying jobs for our citizens.   I want to join those who have been encouraging you to study this report closely and embrace its conclusions.

This report was the product of a panel of business and academic leaders.  The chairman was Norm Augustine, whose service to the Nation has been absolutely stellar over a long career as an engineer and corporate leader of one of our premiere high tech firms-the Lockheed Martin Corporation.  The work of the Augustine Committee was neither partisan nor narrow and the Nation would be well served to follow their policy advice as closely as possible. 

Your impending State of the Union address would provide a singular opportunity to focus public attention on the issue of America’s competitiveness as well as a perfect setting to signal your own endorsement of the prescriptions contained in the Academy report.  I also hope the budget you submit to Congress contains funding for the initiatives as recommended by the Augustine Committee. 

I have introduced three bills based directly on the Augustine report, but I stand ready to work with you or with anyone from either party or either legislative body on any legislative package that would move the Augustine Report’s policy initiatives forward.  The issues raised by “Gathering Storm” are too important to let ego or partisanship stand in the way of moving real solutions for the good of the country.  I believe the country would benefit from leadership on these issues coming from the White House and I hope you will take the opportunity in your national address to start the process of forging political consensus behind the pragmatic steps endorsed by the National Academy of Sciences.


s/ Rep. Bart Gordon
Ranking Member
U.S. House Committee on Science

SpaceRef staff editor.