Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Volunteering with FEMA

By SpaceRef Editor
September 9, 2005
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Sent: Fri Sep 09 16:23:00 2005

Point of Contact: Chris Cejka, Human Capital Management, 202/358-4781

Volunteering with FEMA

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is leading response and recovery efforts underway in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. To assist in these disaster relief efforts, the Department of Homeland Security is requesting volunteers from other federal agencies.  Volunteers will be asked to deploy for 30-day minimum field assignments to work with FEMA on this effort.

Employees who are interested in volunteering should read carefully the information on the Web site: to ensure you meet the requirements and are up to meeting the challenge of the working conditions that will be faced in Mississippi, New Orleans, and the other affected areas.  Interested employees must have the full approval of their supervisors prior to volunteering.

Please do not contact FEMA directly.  The NASA POCs are listed on the Web site and will be able to assist you.

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SpaceRef staff editor.