H-IIA F7 Third-time Ignition Experiment
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) would like to inform you that we acquired data on the third-time ignition experiment of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.7 (H-IIA F7) second stage engine as scheduled. The data acquisition was carried out just after the separation of the payload, the Multi-functional Transport Satellite 1-Replacement (MTSAT-1R), (2,400 seconds after liftoff) through 7,200 seconds after liftoff.
The second stage engine third-time ignition enables us to inject a satellite directly into any geostationiary orbit, to inject multiple satellites into their respective orbits, and to inject a payload into the orbits of the moon and planets. JAXA has acquired and confirmed various data to achieve the third-time ignition technology for the second stage engine.
This page URL http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2005/02/20050226_h2af7-ignition_e.html