Status Report

NASA Special Notice: Exploration Systems Mission Directorate Innovative Partnerships Program

By SpaceRef Editor
November 5, 2004
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NASA Special Notice: Exploration Systems Mission Directorate Innovative Partnerships Program

General Information

Document Type: Special Notice
Solicitation Number: NASA-SNOTE-041105-002
Posted Date: Nov 05, 2004
Original Response Date:
Current Response Date:
Original Archive Date: Nov 05, 2005
Current Archive Date: Nov 05, 2005
Classification Code: B — Special studies and analysis – not R&D

Contracting Office Address

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch, Code 210.H, Greenbelt, MD 20771


NA EXPLORATION SYSTEMS MISSION DIRECTORATE – INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) Description RFI-ESMD-11052004 Posted on 11-05-2004 replaces the synopsis of the same name (RFI-ESMD-11032004) Posted on 11-03-2004.

RFI-ESMD-11052004 replaces and superceeds the previously posted synopsis which is no longer available on NAIS. See below for description. Note: The term draft is used relative to the NAPA study draft report. The National Academy of Public Administration has conducted a study and produced a draft report that recommends NASA modify its technology transfer program to improve the program’s effectiveness.

The draft report is located on the NASA Exploration Systems Acquisition Portal url: In light of this draft report, we are seeking concepts, innovative approaches, and tools that will boost: NASA’s technical strength via infusion of external technology solutions (i.e., ‘spin-in? of outside technologies into NASA) and U.S. economic strength and public benefits through the transfer of NASA technology to create new products and services (i.e., ‘spin-out? of NASA technologies into the private/academic sector). The five basic elements of technology transfer at NASA are: (1) identifying/documenting available technologies as well as NASA’s technical needs, (2) evaluating/prioritizing these technologies/needs, (3) protecting NASA’s intellectual property, (4) performing active outreach to find potential partners, and (5) negotiating partnerships. The five basic elements will still apply under the transformed model, but how we implement those functions will change.

We are seeking concepts, approaches, and tools to enable a more effective and efficient technology transfer program.

NASA is considering a more centralized approach to technology transfer in line with the NAPA recommendations and have developed a concept of how that centralized approach might work. The concept is described in the white paper “Transformation of NASA’s Approach to Technology Transfer, Making the Most of the Innovative Partnerships Program”, which is located on the NASA Exploration Systems Acquisition Portal url:

This approach may serve as the foundation for NASA’s future approach to technology transfer, but it may also be significantly altered in response to this Request for Information. For this Request for Information, NASA is interested in receiving white papers from all sources that address aspects of technology transfer and the appropriate organizational ?transformed? structure and management approach.

Enclosed are the key focus areas, issues and suggested white paper topics.

White papers that examine one or more of the topics are invited.

Papers that address other important aspects in a manner consistent with the information requested below are also welcome.  

White papers should be consistent with the January 14, 2004, U.S. Space Exploration Vision.

Innovative approaches are welcome, but should be reasonably achievable.

White papers should address the following Focus Areas and their associated Topics:

Focus Area 1 Program Management; Topics: Lessons Learned, Acquisition Strategy, Innovative Approaches, Effectiveness, Teaming Arrangements, Metrics.

Focus Area 2 Tools and Methods; Topics: Innovative Use of Technology Transfer Industry, Low Cost Methods, Web-based Tools, Radically Different Practices, High-tech, Small Business Incubators, Leveraging of Federal, State, & Local Technology Transfer & Economic Development Efforts, Partnership Development, Licensing, Technology Infusion.        

All documents should be delivered in electronic format using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat by no later than 4:30 EST on December 01, 2004.

The white paper should not consist of more than five pages of text and three pages of graphics.

Any submittal that exceeds these page limits will not be reviewed.

All documents shall be delivered electronically to the following location:

Point-of Contact (PoC) is:   Charlene Gilbert,   Innovative Partnerships Program,   Phone: 202.358.3992 Email: Each submission will receive an electronic notification of a successful upload.

Any information obtained as a result of this RFI is intended to be used by the Government on a non-attribution basis for program planning and acquisition strategy development.

Providing data/information that is limited or restricted for use by the Government for that purpose would be of very little value and such restricted/limited data/information is not solicited.

By submitting information in response to this RFI, submitters of such information impliedly consent to the release and dissemination of submitted information to any Government or non-Government entity to which NASA releases and disseminates the information for review.

Review may be performed by multi-disciplined review teams. Review teams may be comprised of Government personnel from NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, other NASA Mission Directorates, NASA Field Centers, and/or other Government agencies.

Moreover, review teams may include third parties, such as contractor personnel who support NASA.  

As such, to the extent that any information submitted in response to this RFI is marked as or construed to be proprietary or business sensitive, submitters are hereby notified (a) about the potentiality that such information may be disclosed to third parties and (b) that submission of information in response to this RFI constitutes consent to such handling and disclosure of submitted information.

This RFI is being used to obtain information for planning purposes only.

As stipulated in FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract.

This RFI is subject to FAR 52.215-3.

Point of Contact

Charlene Gilbert, Technical Lead, Phone (202) 358-3992, Fax (202) 358-4039, Email – James W Bailey, Contract Specialist, Phone (202) 358-1826, Fax (202) 358-3342, Email

Email your questions to Charlene Gilbert at

SpaceRef staff editor.